Getting Started Using Web Factory

Advanced HTML & Beyond

Experienced Web designers can add scripts, objects and applets with Web Factory. Access the source window Insert menu to place the necessary tags and parameters.

  1. Comment
    Add notes and other information to the source code. The comment is not visible on the Web page. The following tag is inserted: <!--INSERT COMMENT HERE --!>
    Example: Add a revision date to the page.
    <!--Page Revised 11/9/96 --!>

  2. Meta Tag
    The <Meta Tag> is used to specify information about a document. it can also be used to specify an HTTP header on some browsers.

    There is no limitation on the number of Meta tags that can be placed in an HTML page as long as it they are placed between the beginning and ending <Head> tag.

    Example: <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="your name">

  3. VBScript Block
    The following tags are placed in the HTML source:
    <script language="VBScript"!> <!-- INSERT SCRIPT HERE --!> </script!>

    Place the script between the beginning and ending tags to hide the script from browsers that do not support Visual Basic scripts.

    There is no limitation on the number of VBscripts that can be placed in an HTML page.

  4. JavaScript Block
    The following tags are placed in the HTML source:
    <script language="JavaScript"!> <!-- INSERT SCRIPT HERE --!> </script!>
    Place the script between the beginning and ending tags to hide the script from browsers that do not support JavaScript scripts.

    There is no limitation on the number of JavaScripts that can be placed in an HTML page.

    Before adding any scripts to an HTML page, note that JavaScripts are supported on more platforms than VBscripts. VBScripts are supported only by DOS/Windows platforms. While JavaScripts can be viewed by both UNIX and MAC platforms.

  5. VBScript File
    Protects the proprietaryof VBScripts. Only the source of the script is inserted in the HTML page, hiding the script details from public view.

    1. Select VBScript File from the Insert menu.
      The Open box is displayed.
    2. Select the *.vbs file.
    3. Click on the Open button to return to the source view.
      The following tag is inserted into the HTML source window
      <script language="vbs" src="vbscript.vbs>

  6. JavaScript File
    Protect proprietary VBScripts with the VBScript option. The source script is inserted in the HTM: page, hiding the script details from public view.

    1. Select VBScript File from the Insert menu
      The the Open box is displayed.
    2. Select the *.vbs file
    3. Click on the Open button to return to the source view.

  7. JavaScript File
    Protects the proprietary of JavaScripts. Only the source of the script is inserted in the HTML page, hiding the script details from public view.

    1. Select JavaScript File from the Insert menu.
      The Open box is displayed.
    2. Select the *.js file.
    3. Click on the Open button to return to the source view.
      The following tag is inserted into the HTML source window
      <script language="JavaScript" src="javascript.js>

  8. Embedded File
    The embedded box is used to add plugins to your Web page. The box contains the minimum requriements for all plugins. You need to supply additional attributes that are required, such as video loop options, how often to play, etc.

    Netscape requires that width and height be included for all plugins, including sound. Enter a 10x10 setting to prevent any problems adding sound to a Web page that is viewed by Netscape.

  9. Java Applet
    The Applet box contains the standard Java attributes

  10. Object Block
    Insert the ActiveX control attributes in the Object Block box.

  11. Object Parameter
    Adds additional parameters required by the Object Block.

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